Shamanic Healing Practitioner in Santa Cruz | Live Love Laugh Healing

Lorraine Stern of Live Love Laugh Healing is a Shamanic Healing Practitioner in Santa Cruz, Monterey and Northern California offering Shamanic Coaching, Teaching & more. Start Here.

Shamanic Energy Healing: Holistic Practitioner in CA 

Shamanic energy healing is a deep and powerful way to clear unhealthy emotions, traumas and painful memories from your energetic field

Ancient energy medicine is based on the knowledge that all illness, whether physical, mental or emotional has an energetic, spiritual origin. For centuries, indigenous shamans and healers have journeyed on behalf of the ill or suffering to find  the source of their “dis-ease.” 

While methods vary from culture to culture, the shaman traditionally works by lifting, or removing, the disease from the person's energetic field. When there is no longer an imprint of the disease in their field, that person can get well again.

Today, modern shaman work is much the same as indigenous shaman work. The principal difference is that we as humans have gotten much more complicated. We carry around a lot more “stuff” than we used to. All those old patterns, family ancestral issues, grief or traumas get stored away in our energetic field.

Shamanic  work heals the spiritual origin of our illness by removing these imprints from our energetic field. Once removed, they can no longer inform us. No longer tied to the past, we are able to live the lives we want, full of joy, happiness and possibility. 

Free to Live. Love. Laugh. And Heal.


Schedule a Session

CONTACT LORRAINE to set up a no-cost, 30-minute consultation to learn more about shamanic energy healing.  In-person and distance healing sessions (via phone or Zoom) are available.

Coaching and Mentoring

Sometimes we just need help and guidance to set us back on our own path. Sessions are one hour in length and cover any variety of topics that are needed to help a person know themselves and their Inka seed.

Medicine Wheel Workshops

In addition to individual healing sessions, we offer Medicine Wheel Workshops in small group settings. Learn more about the Medicine Wheel Journey of deep personal growth and transformation here

"I have had the great privilege of working with Lorraine on an energetic Shamanic level. She thoroughly explained what she was going to do, and supported me through the process with a gentle manner. I felt safe and comfortable. After the sessions, she explained what she had done and offered insight to certain situations that had arisen in my life. I have also received the Munay-Ki rites from her, which have had a profound impact on my life. If you are reading this, I highly recommend working with Lorraine, you are here for a reason!" — Z.T., UK

"What you do is more important than eating and breathing. You bring life back into a depleted soul!"  — G.T, California 

"Lorraine is a truly remarkable and gifted shaman. My session was uplifting and deeply transformative. We addressed and resolved issues that I had been struggling with for a long time. I felt that the great weight I had been carrying for as long as I remember lift from me.  I have much more freedom to move ahead with ease in my life. I would not hesitate for a moment to recommend her shaman services." — K.T.,  Wales

"Thank you for helping me find what I was missing!  My brain tries to bring me back to old habits now and again...but those times are fewer than even a week ago! They are easily dismissed by enacting my gifts from you.  Life is a challenge but I feel better equipped to manage the challenges these days!"  — Carrie, MD