
Butting Heads

I have dairy goats, the funny looking ones called La Mancha. They are the only type of goat that hails from the United States. The goats are extremely easy going, friendly and produce milk, which has a high fat content. They are the ones without ears.


People always ask me why I have goats and the answer varies depending on my mood. Originally we got goats because my children wanted a 4-H project that they did not have to kill, or give up in the end. What happened was I fell in love.

I fell in love with all aspects of their personalities, from the way the goats solve their differences, to the way they express their joy. When a goat gets upset they don’t sulk, or pout (hard to get that lower lip out), they butt heads. They look at the problem directly and face it head-on, literally. This is not some sweet, soft gentle tap on the head, they fully engage their whole body in the fight — BAM — then it’s over. Goats don’t sit around chewing on the irritation, they act immediately releasing the negative energy and it’s finished; it makes life so much simpler.

When we first got goats one of them was being a bit pushy so I head butted her — wrong thing to have done. I ended up with a concussion, although I don’t remember all the details.

With this lesson in mind, I have resolved to solve my own differences in the best way I know: whenever I have an issue I look at it, see where I am stuck and face it directly. The more I engage in rapid resolution the faster and more easily the irritation falls away. Examining my own part in the problem changes my perception and the issue no longer has power over me, I can move on and let it go. 

Lorraine Stern

You can reach me for healing sessions at 831-206-9291. I only use the cheese for my family, but anyone is welcome to learn how to make cheese.

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