Karina Davalos

Nusta Karpay rites 

Sacred Teachings and Ceremonies of the High Andes:
Q'ero Elder Dona Asunta Quispe and Karina Davalos Concha

Join Dona Asunta Quispe and Karina Davalos Concha for the Sacred Teachings and Ceremonies of the Q'ero people of Peru.

NOVEMBER 10-18 2015
Multiple events in the greater Santa Cruz area
See below for full event descriptions and opportunities to participate 

Hosted by Lorraine Stern 

                            DONA ASUNTA Q'UISPE (left) and KARINA DAVALOS CONCHA (right)

                            DONA ASUNTA Q'UISPE (left) and KARINA DAVALOS CONCHA (right)

MEET ASUNTA Q'UISPE YAPURA (in her own words)

"I was born in Q’eros Paucartambo, the daughter of Don Manuel Quispe Apaza. I speak Quechua and during my early years I saw many ceremonies performed by my father. At age 10, I began to participate and assist in ceremonies of healing for people, potato crops, alpacas and llamas and was beginning my path of service, which pleased me greatly. The Apus (mountains) and Pachamama (Mother Earth) were giving me a direction for the future. 

After another 25 years of integrating the life of a healer, my father transmitted my first sacred initiation known as Hatun Karpay at the holy and mighty mountain of Apu Huaman Lipa. My second Hatun Karpay was received in the “Lord of Qoylloriti” Apu Sinaccara and was transmitted by my Uncle Bernabe Apaza Quispe. These powerful ceremonies began to give me a greater connection for receiving messages from the Apus, Pachamama and the Universe. My third Hatun Karpay was transmitted by my mother, Dona Agustina Chura Quispe at Apu Huaman Lipa. This was a very special experience to receive the immense energy and power of Mother Earth."

I deeply appreciate my life and the ability to share this spiritual path with all my brothers and sisters around the world."


"I was born in Cusco, the capital of the empire of the Incas.  My parents took me to Mollepata where I lived with my grandparents and first learned to speak Quechua and then Spanish.  It was here I first connected with Apu Salkantay, playing with the stones, rivers, animals and nature.  During harvest time my grandparents made offerings to Pachamama using coca kintus.  I watched very carefully and soon was able to participate in the ceremonies.

I met Alberto Villoldo and worked with him for many years receiving shamanic training with the best Q’ero healers who are the descendants of the Incas.  Don Manuel Quispe, Don Mariano Apaza, Don Umberto and Dona Bernardina all of whom were Kura Akullek (highest rank).  My first initiation was received at Apu Ausangate and I created my mesa and continued my master apprenticeship in Puno and Cusco.  During my training I had the revelation of the Apus which indicated that I was ready to perform ceremonies. 

 Today I have a deep sense of gratitude to the universe for having the ability to share and help others with this gift, a gift from the gods."

These events are entirely for the benefit of the indigenous people of Q'eros.  Your participation and generous donations help to support many families who live in the Andean highlands.  

Urpichay Sonqo!"


NOVEMBER 10, 201 5    8:00 am – 12 noon   
700 W Carmel Valley Road   Carmel Valley, CA

Enjoy a morning hike to introduce our visiting Peruvian healers to the magic of Garland Park!  Journey into the power and mystery of nature and step into ceremony to offer gratitude and blessings to Pachamama.

Our special guests are Q'ero Elder Dona Asunta Q'uispe and Karina Davalos Concha from the high Andes of Peru.  We will walk in ceremony with the intention to connect deeply with the Santa Tierra land spirit of Garland Park.  At key points in the journey we will pause and have an opportunity to cleanse our energy systems and recharge our power centers.  A traditional ayni offering ceremony will connect us with the energy of the sacred of the area.

We will meet at 8:00am at the visitor center near the front entrance.  Trek begins at 8:15am. Rain or shine. Bring your own water, snacks, sun protection, etc.

Ayni offering: $30-$50 donation - All donations go directly to support the indigenous people of Q'eros.

This event will be limited to 20 participants so please register in advance at: lorrainestern.setmore.com

Click on the "Book Classes" button!

NOVEMBER 12, 2015   6:00 - 8:00 pm
347 Gault Street  Santa Cruz, CA


All are welcome! This beautiful ceremony will be an awesome opportunity to gather and celebrate the return visit of Q'ero Elder Dona Asunta Q'uispe and Karina Davalos Concha to Santa Cruz.

This community ceremony is open to ALL (children included) and will be offered by donation. We suggest a $25 minimum donation, however, no amount is too big or small! All donations will go directly back to Peru to support the Q'eros people. 
These events are entirely for the benefit of the indigenous people of Q'eros. Your participation and generous donations help to support many families who live in the Andean highlands. Urpichay Sonqo!

Please bring snacks to share after the despacho 

Space is limited to 30 participants. Please RSVP on the website in advance: lorrainestern.setmore.com  Click on the "Book Classes" button!

 Workshop & Training in the Power of 3

SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 2015  9 am – 4 pm
Home of Lorraine Stern: 2175 Elkhorn Road  Castroville, CA  95012

This will be a full day exploration into the power of the Trinity in the Andean Cosmology and the map of the Inka Cross.  The 3 worlds (ukupacha, kaypacha, hanaqpacha) the 3 nawis (energetic centers of exchange), the 3 traditional power animals (serpent, puma, condor) and the 3 Inka Laws (munay, yachay, llankay)  We will work with energy center clearing and empowering and will discuss and journey to each of the 3 worlds and into each of the 3 nawis.  

Open to anyone.  Mesa carriers strongly encouraged to attend!

Please bring food to share, for a potluck style lunch.

Sliding scale donation suggestion $60-90.  

Register here: lorrainestern.setmore.com  Click on the "Book Classes" button!

SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 2015   11:00 am – 1:00 pm
Moss Landing State Beach


Last year Dona Asunta and Karina brought rain while they were in California. This year join us in a community water despacho to honor the waters and call for the Spirit of rain to pay us a long and wet visit. The venue will be at Moss Landing State Beach. Park at the end of Jetty drive, and walk through the path to the beach. This is a free event, all are welcome! Feel free to bring rattles and/or drums. 

For more information please call Lorraine Stern at 831-206-9291

TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 2015    9:30 am – 1:30 pm
Aptos Creek Road (off Soquel Drive)    Aptos, CA

Enjoy a walk with Qero Elder Dona Asunta and Karina Davalos Concho through the redwoods of Nisene Marks. We will first go on a meditative walk to connect deeply with the park and the tree spirits that dwell there. 

We will start out trek with a meditative walk to deeply connect with the land and it’s beauty. Along the way we will stop for a water cleansing of our energy bodies, and to give gratitude and thanks to the Pachemama and Mama Cocha ( Mother Earth, and the waters). We will also have a traditional ayni ceremony to connect us deeply with the land.

We will meet at 9:30am at the main kiosk at the park entrance, and depart shortly after. The walk is scheduled rain or shine. Please bring a sack lunch and water.

Ayni offering: $30-$50 donation - All donations go directly to support the indigenous people of Q'eros.

This event will be limited to 20 participants. Register in advance online: lorrainestern.setmore.com  Click on the "Book Classes" button!

 Traditional Peruvian Healing Sessions
with Dona Asunta & Karina Davalos

ONE HOUR SESSIONS  –  Booking 9 am – 7:00 pm daily

This is a powerful and rare opportunity to experience the ancient energetic healing work of Q'ero Elder Dona Asuna Q'uispe and Karina Davalos Concha.

During the hour-long session both of the healers will work with you.  This experience is deep and powerful and transformative!

Karina will also act as translator and interpreter for Asunta who only speaks the Quechua language.

The ayni offering for this deep healing work is $125. 

You can also book a special 2 hour session which includes a healing, cleanse and Munay ( heart) karpay. The cost is $200. The Munay Karpay is a special sacred heart initiation that opens up the heart for deep healing and transformation.

Tuesday November 12th we will have healings in Santa Cruz at 347 Gault St.

In cases of extreme need this amount may be reduced.  Please contact Lorraine Stern to discuss at sternlorraine@gmail.com.

Book your healing directly at lorrainestern.setmore.com

If you would like a Karpay please book 2 consecutive sessions

Once you have booked a healing, you will be e-mailed directions to Lorraine Stern's home near Moss Landing, or for Tuesday November 12th the directions to 347 Gault St in Santa Cruz.



Don Alberto Fernandez  – Peruvian Paqo/Shaman

Two One-day Workshops – October 22 & 23, 2016

Presented by Sacred Quests LLC  /  Hosted by Live Love Laugh Healing

Don Alberto   is  a  powerful spiritual healer and teacher, and a third generation Paqo/Shaman. Dedicated to the path of the traditional Peruvian spiritual teachings  and ways of his lineage, of both the Pampa Mesayok and the Alto Mesayok Andean paqo traditions; he is passionate about sharing this ancient knowledge with others. Don Alberto believes we must all live in greater balance with the Pachamama, and he holds a powerful connection to the Apus, the magnificent sacred mountains of Peru.
   Alberto travels, mentors, and teaches group workshops as far away as Norway . He speaks fluent English, Spanish, and the native Quechua language of the Andes.

Workshop Co-facilitator  -  Pat Cockrell     Shamanic Energy Medicine Practitioner
Pat and Alberto have worked together for over 5 years; teaching and leading sacred journeys to Peru. Pat is owner and founder of SACRED QUESTS LLC and lives in North Carolina.


OCTOBER 22, 2016
9:30 am – 5:00 pm  Moss Landing, CA

Pachamama Sonqo / Heart of our Mother Earth

The ancient indigenous ones have long experienced the many worlds within the Pachamama, our Mother Earth, through the  Heart ("Sonqo"). They deeply understand, in ways that we are just awakening to, that it is through the Heart that we interconnect to all things through "Munay" Universal Love, and that we are as One Heart. 

  • Learn From Don Alberto how to open the eyes of your heart, and how to align it with the Heart of the Pachamama.

  • Experience the  healing of the layers of your Heart and it's blossoming.

  • Learn to practice shamanic techniques that will awaken and open the perception of your Heart.

  • Open your Heart to embrace living in Sacred Relationship with the Pachamama.

  • Join in sacred ceremony with others in aligning to the Heartbeat of Our Mother Earth.

COST: $150  
For more info and to register, contact Pat Cockrell 


OCTOBER 23, 2016
9:30 am – 5:00 pm      Moss Landing, CA

A Call to Stewardship / Serving Pachamama

In these powerful times of great shifts on our planet, the  Pachamama, our Mother Earth, is sending out a call to those who are willing to step into the true fullness of stewardship on her behalf .  Come learn from this spiritual Wisdomkeeper from Peru, whose life is dedicated to the Pachamama, how to answer that call and be of service and support for our beloved planet.

  • Learn new ways to fine-tune and maintain your energetic balance amongst the increasing chaotic influences in this world. 

  •  Learn skills to develop a more sensitive attunement to the energies of the Pachamama, as well as rituals and ceremonies you can perform that will strengthen and deepen your connection to the Earth. 

  •  Discover the places you are out of balance, so you can be apart of the "fix" and not the "problem".

  •  Learn to read different qualities of energy on the earth, and to detect areas of "hucha" or heavy energy, and how to bless, clear and activate the land.

COST: $150  
For more info and to register, contact Pat Cockrell 

or $275 for both days

Hosted at the home of Lorraine Stern in Moss Landing, CA. Camping for workshop participants is  available.   CONTACT LORRAINE for lodging details and logistics.

For more info and to register, contact Pat Cockrell 



Friday evening, October 21, 2016  – 7:00 pm

Free and open to all

CONTACT LORRAINE for details and to RSVP


Don Alberto will be also be available for:

 Private Healing Sessions- $125.00

Coca-leaf readings-$75.00

To schedule an appointment contact Pat Cockrel