We’re in unchartered territory, and it’s requiring each one of us to learn how to connect with ourselves and our relationship with Pachemama ( Mother Earth) and Wiracocha ( Great Spirit). When we find our balance and connection( Ayni) in this world, magic happens!
Please join me for a despacho ceremony. This ceremony honors all of life in a giant mandala. WIthin this mandala we will put in our prayers for harmony and balance for ourselves, our community, and our loved ones.
Donations are gladly accepted via Venmo - Lorraine-Stern or Paypal at sternlorraine@gmail.com
Join Zoom Meeting:: https://zoom.us/j/199307430?pwd=YS9nUXFCdXRCNlBFazlodThxT1kvUT09 Meeting ID: 199 307 430 Password: 588564
You’ll want to log in with the video to see the despacho ceremony